Monday, April 27, 2009

Ulysses' restaurant, April 24, 2009

Tonight we went to our favour restaurant for prime rib with Herb, Maureen, and our dog groomer and her husband. It was delicious as usual. Denis did some odd jobs around the motor home and I went for a bike ride to our old house. They have cut all the scrubs from the front of the house and cleared the woods in the back. I talked to our neighbour about spreading Taz's ashes, but now I have decided to keep them for awhile. I don't think I am ready to part with him yet.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Birthday George, April 23, 2009

We celebrated Denis' brother's birthday tonight with nine people in the motorhome. Reminded me of the house warming in Desert Hot Springs. The old Ronco was performing again. Everyone enjoyed the chicken and cake.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hail today, April 22, 2009

We were blessed with snow flakes and hail today with as touch of sun. Doesn't get any better than that now does it. Just a taste of what we missed. We visited with Herb and Maureen last night and I guess our company wasn't too stimulating as Herb and Peanuts fell asleep while watching the hockey game.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Motorhome in Quesnel, April 2009

Just thought I would let you see the snow left at Herb and Maureen's. We woke to the sun but it didn't stay. Getting things done while it isn't the best weather.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Quesnel, April 17- 20,2009

Arrived in Quesnel at around 5:00 p.m. and parked at Herb and Maureens pad. They cooked us supper and we had an enjoyable evening catching up with them. We passed frozen lakes and ponds, and snow along the highway on our trip here, so I said to Denis, TURN AROUND we don't want to be here. Denis fed the Canada geese at a pond we stopped at outside of Clinton.
When we went to do our taxes we found out we are missing a T4 slip. Hope we get it before the end of the month.
We went and watched our oldest grand daughter play in a soccer tournament here in Quesnel on the weekend, visited with our oldest daughter and family on Sunday as well as Denis' brother and wife.
It has been raining and half snowing since we arrived. Kind of depressing when we have so much to do.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Kelowna, April 16, 2009

Sunshine again, how lucky are we. We will be leaving Kelowna tomorrow to head to Quesnel. Hope it is sunny there. We visited Denis' cousin in Vernon and had supper with them. The drive back was a bit hairy with all the twists and turns in that highway.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Crossing the Canadian border - April 13, 2009

Today we started out from Moses Lake on a nice sunny day. We drove thru Rock Island dam, apple country where some of the blossoms were starting to come out and arrived at the border around 12:30. We had no trouble exporting or importing the motorhome and were underway again in less than an hour. We arrived in Kelowna around 4:00 and are at Turtle R.V. park for tonight. It is a little colder tonight and we know that we are heading into even colder weather.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Moses Lake, April 123,2009

Another day in Moses Lake. I decided to pamper myself for Easter. I had a manicure and pedicure to get ready to cross the border tomorrow. Ha! We had a Easter dinner from the ronco and used some of our american minutes wishing everyone a happy Easter. It started to rain today so time to more on.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Moses Lake, April 11,2009

Again we woke to sunshine. At least it makes the waiting a little easier. We watched the disc golf tournament before we decided to do a little sightseeing. We went to OTHELLO to see the saddle mountain, a homesteaders cabin and white bluffs. We found out there is alot of history around this area and we are glad we had a chance to see some of it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 8 - 9, 2009

We left Vancouver, Wa. today and headed for the border at Osoysos. We still hadn't received our papers for the motorhome. We finally received a call after our many to them. They are UPSing our papers so we have to find an R.V. Park for them to send them to. We found Goldendale, Wa. and were lucky to find some very nice folks at the Quality Inn who allowed up to have the package delivered to them and faxed everything for us. Goldendale is known as the town of historic houses.
With that finally done we are now in Moses Lake, Wa. waiting for Tuesday when we can cross the border.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Vancouver, Washington, April 7,2009

Off today to 99 R.V. Park in Vancouver, Washington. We stopped at the Evergreen Aviation Museum where they have Howard Hughes Grey Goose. The guys really enjoyed the visit. We will stay here for a night before we leave Chuck and Shirley to head northeast to Osoyoos as they go north west and home to Victoria. See them next fall.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ocean visit,Naskowin, Oregon, April 6,2009

Golf again for the guys at the Chinook Golf Club and Shirley and I had our last lunch together at the Chinook Casino. We all visited the ocean to have our last look before heading inward. The waves were crashing on shore and the sun was shining. What a site!
There are lots of bunnies at the park and Denis is feeding them lettuce. They don't appear to be afraid of him.

Tillamook Cheese factory, Oregon, April 5, 2009

Today we visited the Tillamook Cheese Factory to see how the cheese is made. It was a hugh operation with lunch bar, ice cream saloon, the history story of the factory and factory tour of where and how it is made.They are having their 100 anniversary this year. They make 167 thousand pounds of cheese a day.
On the way back the guys visited the Tillamook Air Museum. They had a mini guppy that they found interesting..

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Outlet stores, Naskowin, Oregon, April 4,2009

Today we woke to sunshine, hurray! The guys went golfing at the Chinook Winds Golf Club in Lincoln City and Shirley and I went to check out the 60 outlet stores. They has great sales and we managed to find something. The guys cooked us supper and then we all went for a swim and spent some time in the hot tub.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Naskowin,Oregon, April 3,2009

Just a short trip today to Naskowin, Oregan. We had a sad day as we had to put Taz (one of our dogs)down. He has been getting worse for the last couple of weeks and wasn't eating anything. We will take his ashes home to spread in the yard.

We went to Lincoln City to have supper at the Chinook Winds Casino and again leave them some money. Looking for the sun, hope we find it tomorrow.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

South Jetty, Florence April 2, 2009

We awoke to rain today although it is forecasting it to stop. We are off to the Sea Lion Caves, the dunes, old town Florence where we stopped at the International C-food Market to enjoy a seafood chowder for lunch. There were l00's of sea lions at the cave and many tourist shops in old town. Now it is time to plan another day.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

South Jetty, Oregon, April 1,2009

Today we went on the Oregon Coast Hwy towards Florence. We passed through Prehistoric Gardens where there were lots of dinosaur statues, the Oregon Dunes, arriving at South Jetty R.V. Park where we were welcomed with rain. The first we have seen since Pilot Knob in December. Along the way the roads were lined with the Scotch broom yellow bush. It was so pretty but I know it is a curse. We went to the Three Rivers Casino for a cajiun supper and left our dollars.